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Big Corporations are pure evil. The way they operate is unethical and immoral. Politicians of both side of politics pander to Big Business interests. Small businesses, farmers, middle class and the working class, etc have to compete against low cost cutting Big Corporations who force out competition through predatory pricing and manipulation of the market. Free market is a fairytale. 

The labour cost of an iPod made in China, sold at US $299, is... less than US $3.00! So, who pays for Apple's profits (share price doubled in the last year, regardless of recession)? Two people: Joe Sixpack, USA (who lost his job), and some Chinese guy who got Joe's job but not his pay.

And I am not talking about unpaid for pollution (a.k.a. externalities), mines collapsing (over 6,000 Chinese miners killed in 2004!), asbestos, unpaid overtime (sounds familiar, white collar slaves?), regressive taxation, corporate wealthfare, state funerals for rich tax cheats, and other niceties.

More jobs in developed nations are being outsourced to developing countries by Big Corporations. Now the immigrants are coming  to collect social welfare and generous governments. Foreigners better stay in their own country and do the jobs they have taken from us. Migrants need to stay out of Europe and developed nations. Europe is closing its borders on migrant free loaders. Keep the jobs in Europe and keep the economy/businesses going. 

Factories are being set up and pushing workers in developed nations out of work. Tariffs and protectionist policies are needed to keep jobs from going overseas. More regulation and audits need to be conducted of Big Business. IT, finance, call centre, engineering and most professional jobs are being outsourced to cheap labour markets. 

They took our jobs!


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Nicolas Cage! I hate my opinion he is the worst actor alive Lol.

David Tennent

I despise his exsistence. I curse him with every fibre of my being. He disgusts me, I abhor him. Every day when I wake up I hope he has suffeed a grusome, painful, slow  and utterly humiliating death. He is a foul beast who stains humanity. He looks and sounds like a ***i gone wrong. I loathe him and if I ever meet him I shall cleave the skin from his bones, tear him limb from limb and erase his very soul from history.

Peter Molyneux - God i Hate this guy .... he builds up his games like there god's gift to the world and the way he was backing Kinect (Natal at the time) saying, and i quote "this type of technology has never even been thought of before" WTF was he thinking, either it was just a blatent marketing trick or he's never been outside of his house. I REALLY HATE HIM.

Classic films bieng remade - OMG why would you do that, like the new indiana jones movie, im not saying it was bad but seriously why would u do that the origial films were a successful and amazing. Oh and I hear that there trying to do a remake of the Back to the Future Films JESUS CHRIST !!!

Phil Harrison - This guy could have single handedly taken down the awesome gaming giant that Sony was and make it into what Sega is today seriously thank God Sony fired him (yeah he was fired he didnt leave Sony... Would you if you were that high up in the Company). But Really this guy made me hate Sony, the beloved creators of my favorite console.

Disrespectful People - People that don't respect you based on where you come from or how you were raised, or other punks that are like well I don't respect you Because you dont respect. If you dont respect me fine but dont expect anything but the same ... guess what if you show respect it will be shown to you.

Intolerance - I understand if you don't like someone's lifestyle but that doesn't mean you have to hate on them or make them feel uncomfortable. There's an old line that says "live and let live", and as long as they do not bring any physical harm to you or any intentional serious psychological harm to you then you do the same and let them be.

Poloticians - They lie plain and simple. They've always lied, they still lie, and they will always lie.

Keyboard Warriors - People that think there so tough in talking shit to people over the internet and bully people also. Seriously Get a damn life don't you have anything better to do.

Extremists - Every corner of the world has extremist's from Religion to poloticians to gamers to jocks. If you take things to seriously then you take all the fun and enjoyment out of why it was there in the first place.

Needless Pride - It's Pointless, People that Say that they're proud to be Irish or Mexican or anything else THAT YOU ARE BORN INTO is truly pointless. If you are born into something, that means you had no choice in the matter so therefore why would you have pride for something you did not accomplish. Pride is something that you should earn, You should feel proud of something you accomplished like creating a new invention or curing a disease. Remember pride is one of the seven deadly sins from the Bible (lol just thought I would throw that in there for some laughs).

This thread is rather theraputic, as it should be.

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