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Forums - General Discussion - Capital Punishment: For or Against?


Capital Punishment: For or Against?

For. Let them burn in hell 16 34.78%
Against. They could be innocent. 24 52.17%
Candy!!! 6 13.04%
Rath said:
FootballFan said:
Rath said:

@Football. Actually life imprisonment is cheaper than the death penalty in the USA.


Personally I'm against the death penalty for a couple of reasons. The main one is because I do not believe that the state should be allowed to kill it's citizens in cold blood. There is also the fact that in all circumstances innocent people will end up being executed, which is bluntly the state murdering an innocent citizen.

Also the deterrent effect has never had any solid statistical evidence behind it.

Cost isn't the issue in England anyway. Its the space, our jails are full. Also i would argue that if someone aged 25 murdered people and was sent to jail it would cost more in terms of food healthcare etc etc than someone who was dropped off a rope. Obviously taking the internal organs which are actually useful from the waste of space.

Also, if there wasn't 100% evidence then people wouldn't be killed. They would be dumped in a jail like they are now. If i was considering commiting a criminal act and i knew that i could be putting my life at risk i wouldn't do it. If i knew that jail was the worst "punishment" then i would do it.

There is never 100% evidence, there are varying degrees of being close to it. Many people have been executed wrongfully in the United States for example which has a large series of appeals before a man can be executed

In my opinion the execution of even one person who is innocent is a grevious crime committed by the state.

Is that really any more wrong or cruel then locking up an innocent man for the rest of his life?

Around the Network
Kantor said:
damkira said:

Life imprisonment is worse and costs less in the US.

I don't see how that's possible. Hanging involves a piece of rope, a wooden structure and a trapdoor. Life imprisonment involves ~40 years of food, healthcare, etc.

People who are to be put to death are put in a "death row" where they are isolated from everybody else.

Combine that with the inefficency of the US government end....