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Forums - Sony Discussion - If KH3 and FFvXIII were to release on the same day, which would you pick?

Ok first of all, i know that the chances of KH3 and FFvXIII releasing on the same day are slim to none(actually impossible).  Now LETS SAY that they were to release on the same day, both as PS3 exclusives and you only had money for 1.  Which one would you choose?  I would pick KH3 and here are the reasons why:

1.  KH games dont come as quick as FF games for consoles(when was the last time a KH game came to a console...2005-2006)  And there is a FF game coming next month, another one possibly coming at the end of the year, and we still have no clue if a KH game is coming to a console.

2.  The story in KH games will FUCK WITH YOUR MIND!  It will have you saying WTF!!!! throughout the story.  Especially at the end.  I know i did.  XD.  Days ending was so sad and I threw a BIGGG WTF when i saw the ending.

3.  It will leave you wanting more after you beat it.


So yea I would pick KH3 over versus.  Versus looks like it will be an epic game.  Thats my choice, whats yours?

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Id probably buy both, but Id go with FFvs13 first.

I'd buy both but if i had to choose, then i'd go with FF Versus XIII!!! Noctis is too awesome!!!


Probably versus, I could never get into KH. Neither would be day one purchases for me unless it was a pretty dry time for games.

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Oh dam. That was quick lol. I didnt expect too many ppl picking FFvXIII but atm im the only one that has picked KH3. XD. And V-rock your right. Noctis ISSS tooo awsome. But like most characters from FF series, we will probably only see him once.

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KH3 would be my choice, but I really would be sad, because I wasn't able to buy both.

KHIII for sure.

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