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mZuzek said:
Jaicee said:

Let me start this off by pointing reminding those who don't know that I've held a very positive view of (most of) the recent Star Wars movies. The Last Jedi was, in fact, the best Star Wars installment to date as far as I'm concerned and I will die on that hill if need be. I loved Rey and Kylo Ren and Rose

This is where I stopped.

To be fair, though, of course every TLJ fan is going to hate the new one. It was made with a very clear and specific purpose to be the anti-TLJ, to the point where all the actors and staff involved seemed to be pointing fingers at TLJ in every interview they made. Obviously, that isn't wholly wrong, because TLJ is a terrible movie, but you can't hope to be creating an exciting trilogy when the third movie is trying to undo everything the second movie did - which, to be fair, was already trying to undo everything the first one did. This whole trilogy was a massive fiasco, there was never any planning involved, just committee decisions on what would make the most money. All three movies filled with loads of shallow fanservice, with barely any substance to show for it. "Have an issue in your story? Just throw *insert random character from the OG trilogy here* and there you go, problem solved!" That was the mentality throughout the whole thing - TLJ probably being the one that least did this, but it still was an offender with that Yoda scene which was super uncalled for, and in its attempt at "subverting expectations" over another old character, ruined that character.

I don't know why I'm bothered to come talk about it, to be honest, but yeah. A massive trainwreck, this thing. I feel sorry for those who enjoyed TLJ, not only because of their poor taste, but also because it means they got spat in the face for no good reason. Any person with a decent taste would've given up on the franchise already, at least let the TLJ fans get something since they're the only ones who still care - and consequently, don't make the trilogy's continuity issues even worse in the process.


And this sentence just illustrates the problem with the trilogy, as a whole.  JJ started out the trilogy with a competent film.  It wasn't great, but I think most see it as an ok film.  There were some things he left out story-wise that shouldn't have been, but it did set up a few good mysteries that could have had interesting reveals in the following films.  Unfortunately, Kathleen Kennedy saw it fit to give the film to what was basically an internet troll. 

"Oh, you want something interesting to happen in the film, nope!  Subverted your expectations, didn't I?  You liked this character before?  Well, he's completely changed and for no real good reason, too."

And the fans of TLJ can say that most people liked it all they want, but the fact is they didn't.  Who knows this most of all? Disney.  There's a reason ROS tries to retcon TLJ, and throws a few jabs at Rian.  And Disney made sure this time, unlike with TLJ, the cast and crew weren't going around bashing the fans who criticized the negatives of the new trilogy.  Disney saw a film that was "guaranteed" to hit ~$1.8B, then supposed to do $1.6B after the big 2nd weekend drop, go on to hitting just $1.33B.  They saw their merch sales plummet.  A movie that could have rose the level that TFA ended up if it was a great movie with interesting reveals, just dragged the first film down with it.

Now, we have ROS, which turned out EXACTLY how I predicted it would.  A muddled mess of retcons, ones that are too little, too late, while also trying to tell its own story.  An original enemy that could have been interesting, instead was killed off prematurely, so they had to bring back Palpatine.  While it is a dumb decision, it really was the only one that they were left with.  The 3rd film is too late to introduce a new main villain.  It would be like if Sauron (in a stupid easily seen coming way, I might add) was killed off in The Two Towers, the threat is gone, even though he was made out to be the big bad of the series for two films.  Then, in Return of the King, out of nowhere there's a new villain that was never hinted at.  We have to learn his back story, motivations, and see his defeat in the span of an hour.  Just awful writing. 

It doesn't help matters that they gave the series back to JJ, who is an opener, not a closer.  He's pretty good at setting up mysteries, but is god awful at giving them any kind of meaningful payoff.  He served up the ball competently enough, but Rian spiked it into the net.  Then, JJ tried kicking it over the net.  A nice try, but it isn't how the game is played, so it doesn't count even if it went over, and the fans aren't happy.