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Yikes, not sure if I wanted to have read that. Not sure what Chapter I'm in though. I thought I was in Chapter 2 already, but probably not. I think I've completed 11 or 12 main missions now.

I just turned off the game for the night, so I don't know about the animation skipping. I haven't used the feature much myself but maybe at some point I will get tired of watching the same thing. Maybe check the options. I went through the list of options before starting my playthrough but I don't remember if there was anything about animation skipping.

I stayed up way too late and got way too little sleep the past couple nights. Before exiting the game I decided to finish up everything I had to do in my private quarters so that when I play tomorrow night I will be ready for another mission. But after doing so, one of the BB cutscenes played and I nodded off for a few seconds while it was playing.

I've been very adamant on paying very good attention to cutscenes and dialogue, so I quickly reset the game and loaded my file. It put me right outside the private quarters, so I had to go back in and re-do everything again to trigger the BB scene (this is the one and only time I've used animation skip).

While doing this I forced myself to stand up so that I wouldn't microsleep, and it helped, but twice during this time I started to nod off while standing up and woke up in the process of tipping over and getting my balance back (DS IRL).

I did manage to finish what I was doing and watch the cutscene fully this time though, and then I turned everything off. Going downstairs to get some ice and water woke me up enough to spend a bit of time on VGC.

DS is really good so far.