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So who are Tulsi Gabbard's supporters, you ask? Well, according to the most recent survey data from the Economist and YouGov, Tulsi Gabbard's supporters overall are...

...Trump voters...

24% of Trump voters support her.
1% of Clinton voters support her.

...who are conservative...

16% of conservatives support her.
2% of moderates support her.
1% of liberals support her.

...and aren't Democrats...

5% of independents support her.
1% of Democrats support her.

...and are rich...

6% of people making over $100,000 a year support her.
3% of people making between $50,000 and $100,000 a year support her.
1% of people making under $50,000 a year support her.

...and male...

4% of men support her.
1% of women support her.

...and old...

3% of those 65 and older support her.
3% of those between 45 and 64 support her.
1% of us between 30 and 44 support her.
2% of those under 30 support her.

...and white.

4% of white people support her.
1% of black people support her.
0% of Hispanic Americans support her.

(See pages 168-170.)