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Expectations are impossible to ignore, I am reading thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman and it proposes (with stats and scientific experiments to back it up) that your brain has basically two modes: the “fast” mode is biased, oversimplifies things and can easily be influenced by others. The “slow” mode is more unbiased but it uses up a lot of brain power and is prone to handing tasks right back to the fast mode to make life easier.

What is interesting though, is you are speaking about having “too high” expectations. Most of the book’s studies would suggest that if you see amazing reviews everywhere else, you will tend towards rating the product more highly yourself. Perhaps there is something special about how we view entertainment like games or movies in relation to the numbers and kudos we hear from critics or friends. I would argue it may be because we each have a very different list of entertainment experiences to draw from. Zombieland means something different to folks who love horror than people who dislike it; Shrek means something different to someone raised on Disney than someone raised on Ren and Stimpy