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/sarcasm time/ Trump is now claiming a ceasefire in Syria. He is claiming everyone is happy. Turkey, the US and the Kurds and that hugs and kisses are to be passed around like candy. He wants to thank Turkey, the kurds for not dying anymore and making him look bad. /sarcasm off/

Unfortunately for Trump, the Turkish foreign minister stated this is not a ceasefire but a pause and the deal basically on the table is pretty much what Turkey was doing in the first place which was to displace the Kurds annex Syria and control the region.

/sarcasm time/ I am sure the Kurds have that warm and fuzzy feeling of US assistance and help in this matter and probably will be lighting up a torch in happy jubilation in support of us helping Turkey to obtain their goals. Way to go Trump, everyone is happy with how you handled this situation. /sarcasm off/