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I don't know why you're yelling at me. I don't feel the need to apologize for rightly condemning Sandler's performances over the years just because he has a few decent ones under his belt. I appreciate when he decides to take on a unique role or move past his generic and stale schtick, but the fact of the matter is that he chooses to retread the same ground most of the time because he has a legion of fans who actually think Waterboy was a funny movie. If you can't see that he jumped the shark at that moment then you deserve all that he has to give, but your apologies should be directed at people who loved Wedding Singer, Airheads, Billy Madison, and Happy Gilmour since we lost the opportunity to see him act in genuinely funny movies because youy lied to his face and told him his schtick was all that you needed. I'll have to check out this latest abberation in his history to see why the need to yell at us in this thread, but I'm not holding my breath too much.