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EricHiggin said:
jason1637 said:

It's his team and his responsibility at the end of the day. It's not like random people are assigned to these positions he has to vet them and create a team of advisors and cabinet members. If they do a terrible job it reflects poorly on the person that gave them the job on the first place aka Trump.

I agree that sometimes Trump does get blamed for things he had no direct involvement in and that running a whole country is hard and members of your cabinet might deserve more blame for mishaps that happen but at the end of the day it's Trumps job and he knew what he was getting himself into when he decided to run for President.

Did they do a terrible job though or make a minor mistake if you take everything into account, considering safety first, not money? Do the people need to take any responsibility for themselves? If Trump says something is great, like a restaurant let's say, and some people go to that restaurant because of that, but get food poisoning along with everyone else eating there that particular night, whenever it happens to be, is that Trumps fault? If it is, how much fault is his, and should he apologize to those people, or should it all fall on the restaurant itself?

I agree Trump would have had a general idea of what to expect as a President if he won, but it's said that it's just as possible he thought he didn't stand a chance of winning. Even knowing what he may run into with a win, do you really think he was anticipating anything close to what's transpired? Did anyone, other than his opposition, maybe? If someone started a war with America today, would they really anticipate the use of nuclear weapons? Sure, that's possible since they exist, but it's unbelievably unlikely.

Well with a country of over 300 million people minor mistakes can fuck over a lot of people. Yeah people make mistakes on the job and most people are not expecting advisors and cabinet members to be perfect but they still ought to eb held to a high standard because their jobs have a big impact on our lives. As for the restraunt example I think thats a poor one because the restraunt Trump does not run but he runs the White House. For example if we look at the HUD secretary Ben Carson.