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Lonely_Dolphin said:
JWeinCom said:

You can theoretically make anyone every class (except for the fact that certain classes are male or female exclusive) but certain skills are raised slower for certain characters.  More importantly, different characters have different stat growth.  So, Dimitri has a crazy high chance of gaining strength on a level up, but relatively low chance for an increase in magic.  So while you could theoretically put him in a magic heavy class, he'd be much less useful there.

You'd of course put them in the top tier class that suits their strengths, but I can actually see Dimitri being pretty good as a Dark Knight. Obviously Wyvern Master and Bow Knight are the best options, but with Tomefaire and Magic Blow his magic damage would probably be decent enough.

No, it really wouldn't.

Dimitri's mag starts at 4, with a 20% growth.  Even if you keep him in mage classes, he's going to have a 30% chance of mag on a level up.  So, at level 30, his mag should statistically be around 14.  Which is really not going to do very well against enemies at that point in the game.  Even with fiendish blow and tomefaire, his base attack would be 25 on player phase and 19 on enemy phase.  

Even if you for some reason REALLY wanted a magic Dimitri, his mag caps at 38. Comparably, Dorothea caps at 61.  If you somehow got lucky and got a magic boost on every level up, or used herbs or w/e, with tomefaire and fiendish blow, your attack would be 49 on player phase.  Really not viable in the late game.