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Yacht Club?

They have a presentation soon just announced. What if Nintendo bought them, and funded an HD 3d ShovelKnight game (Yooka Laylee shows how cool that character can look in modern visuals).

As far as who I'd like them to buy:
Platinum - They've demonstrated they can make high quality, exclusive games on Switch. Would give their platforms more of a hardcore feel if they could secure not just some of their exclusives, but ALL of them.
Ubisoft - Would give them a hardcore audience AND a very strong foothold in Europe (their weakest of the major regions % wise).
Bethesda - Would enable them to have MUCH stronger western game feel.

And yes, I'm aware all three of these, especially the last two, are insanely larger companies, but I don't think Nintendo will buy low-mid tier studios. I think they will go big (with their billions in excess cash) or go home (build their own studios).