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Hiku said:
EricHiggin said:

Neo basically has to have powers inside what's known or thought to be the real world, if the dream inside a dream plot is going to work. Neo mentions he can feel the machines in the real world and is somehow tied to them in a non physical manner, even though that shouldn't be possible. This already leaves the door open to the real world just being another level in the Matrix.

It also means each level doesn't play by the same rules. In the base Matrix he can fly and stop bullets, but can't stop other programs or people by just thinking it, where as he can in the real world like with the sentinels. Both levels have different rules. Which would be super important to bringing back Trinity as a 'real' physical person, since it's explained to Neo by Morpheus early on, that if you die in the Matrix, you die in the real world, because "the body cannot live without the mind". This would mean Trinity is dead for good, unless in the thought to be real world level, due to the different rules, you may not be dead for good in whatever the actual real world is, and potentially can be brought back.

This also would leave another massive question. Is the humans vs machines backstory even true? Since the humans are enslaved by the machines in the base Matrix, who is enslaving the machines then in the thought to be real world Matrix?

Something else to ask about the way in which the Matrix trilogy plays out is, is it really the best thing for the humans and did Neo actually make any major choices? The Oracle and Architect tell Neo the problem is choice, but throughout the movie, he's constantly manipulated by the Oracle to do what she wants. He's even manipulated by everyone else who's been manipulated by the Oracle to do what she wants. She just so happens to be a program built by the Architect that's apparently helping the humans now, and even though they say choice is the major problem in the Matrix and why it eventually fails, the Oracle really doesn't allow Neo to make to many big choices. She's constantly manipulating him to go down the path she wants. She tells him things like "knowing you're the one is like knowing you're in love", and "everything that has a beginning has an end", which cause him to make major decisions based on her advice. What he believes in is constantly based on what she tells him, even though some seems useful and true and some seems useless and nonsense. When she tells him, 'I promise, as soon as you're finished eating that cookie, you'll feel right as rain', what happens afterwards is just the opposite.

If it is a Matrix inside a Matrix, I couldn't help but wonder are the machines using and manipulating the humans to get out of the real world Matrix? Maybe the humans haven't actually been given much of a choice all along.

Neo having powers in the real world does raise the question if that was really the real world, or another layer of the Matrix.
Though I don't know if such a convoluted twist would work well, 17 years after the original. 

On the other hand, I don't have high expectations for the story anyway. Matrix was the most interesting to me after the first film, when speculating about the many different things that could happen. I wasn't particularly intrigued with the way the story of the next two films played out, for the most part.
But there are some plot points they could flesh out or clarify that would be interesting, such as the Oracle's story that you mentioned.

I wonder if they'll use CGI to have Neo and Trinity look young again, or if they'll look older.

To me I can't really think of anything else that would fit other than multiple Matrix levels or a prequel, maybe just one movie about Morpheus and Trinity searching for Neo. I'd assume between makeup and a little CGI they could get it right, unless they all look older in a sequel. I'm not a big fan of the second and third movie either. The second is ok but third not so great.

Heck it could even be a sequel and prequel in one actually. If they used the Matrix within a Matrix plot, they could have the 'real world' get rebooted as well, leading to everything starting over again from a point where Morpheus exists. If the information about what happened last time can be somehow passed to Morpheus, things can play out much differently this time around leading to a completely different ending. It would basically be a reboot, by using a reboot, but in a legitimate way through the plot.