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SpokenTruth said:
If the Clinton's had that kind of power, Hillary would have been president.

"But Her Emails" lives on as "But Their Flights."

It may not have come from them, or they may just be a fraction of who made the decision. Good and evil, or however you want to label it, tend to keep each other in check no matter how much power some entity has. If one side ever pushes to hard the other side will eventually push back, so you still have to tread carefully, just not as carefully as if you had very little power. You typically shouldn't bother chasing a predator once it flee's because eventually it'll turn and fight again, sooner than later, especially if it ends up backed into a corner. Not all predators always catch their desired meal and have to settle and deal with any side effects of that.

LurkerJ said:

This is gold. LOL