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Just a question for the mods. Since when is arguing a bunch a bannable offense? I've seen way too many people banned on these forums for arguing with others. They weren't calling people names, or breaking any other clear cut rules. I understand that some users may be really damned stubborn, and keep arguing way past the point where they've lost the argument. I've done it myself on occasion. But is that really grounds for a ban, or even a permaban?

Some people see things in such a light that there is almost no chance of changing their mind. I get it. It's annoying to see those users flood a thread with pointless back and forth over an argument that they probably lost ten replies ago. But a permaban? Really?

Other longtime users have basically up and left the site because they were tired of getting 5 day bans for the same reason as stated above. A lot of these users happened to be fun IMO for about 3/4ths of the time, with the occasional endless debate popping up. But again, I don't think annoying behavior like that deserves a ban.

The number of longtime users that have been permabanned, or left the site in disgust is way too high.