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jason1637 said:

Identify politics does nothing for me ND sometimes I find it cringe but I understand why the democratic party has top figures that play into it. I live in a very liberal city (nyc) and people really do like it when people go on about identity politics and it riles pethem up.

I don't care for identity politics either, though I have the feeling we mean different things by the term 'identity politics'.

What I'm referring to is a concept invented by the Marxist feminists back in the late 1970s to describe the idea that experiential knowledge (knowledge acquired through first-hand experience) is of greater value and importance than academically-acquired knowledge. For example, if I were to claim that I can't be wrong about any subject relating to women because I'm a woman, that would be a classic application of the politics of personal identity. Identity politics were the ideological forerunner to Kimberle Crenshaw's intersectionality theory (a subdivision of Marxist critical theory) that prevails in American feminist circles today.

Now you, however, I suspect are using the term in a very different, non-academic way to describe feminism in general -- the whole idea that women are a disadvantaged social class in need of a redress of this condition -- and I think that's where we'll part ways.