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Hiku said:
TranceformerFX said:

How does mentioning a headless Jenova, Sephiroth's sword, and Cloud reminiscing about his past in Kalm reveal any spoilers?

Are you insinuating that those details give away key plots to the overarching story? I didn't divulge any info on Cloud's story time in Kalm, did I?

I'm 31 years old, and chances are that I played FF7 way before you. But regardless of possible age difference, I know the story. Which you do too. 

The reason I belittled you is because you found it necessary to get hung up on a detail you THOUGHT I missed (Sephiroth not actually being "in the flesh" on the Junon Boat) and you had to assert your knowledge on the matter without actually contributing to the argument that I'm making, or at least trying to make. Clearly you pride yourself by looking smart on forums, which is why you said "And I sincerely doubt you know the story." and "technically, you don't meet him in the flesh on the Junon Boat either".

Do you have anything to contribute to why I think that Sephiroth appearing that early in the game is "shitty writing" other than politely gloat about your knowledge that you assumed I didn't have?

I don't believe I said that about Kalm, and I didn't mention Sephiroth's sword. Describing Jenova's state was unnecessary at best, but the two main ones were the ones I mentioned in the spoiler tag in the comment you just quoted, which you ignored to address for some reason.
Surely you can understand why someone wouldn't want to be told that their pleasant, let's say train ride, will turn into a surprise encounter with the main antagonist? They'd want to be surprised while playing the game. Likewise, hearing about Sephiroth

being presumed dead, but apparently being alive

is also not something I want to hear from someone before I start playing the game. At the very least, it would bug me up until I get to the point in the game where I find out how much of an impact that prior knowledge had.
And the way this Remake will shape up, I won't even know the answer to that until I play the game. This time around they could start off by making the player

think he is alive, and finding out that he supposedly got killed a few years ago becomes a twist that puts into question all the things you've seen up until that point.

Spoiling doesn't merely come down to key story elements, but a person's enjoyment of the story. If their enjoyment is diminished because of unnecessary information they were told by someone, then that is a problem. 

And you seem to often either take things, or make things, personal.
For instance; "I'm 31 years old, and chances are that I played FF7 way before you."
Now I actually have an interesting story about this, but I don't want to reply with it because you presented it as a silly pissing contest.

If someone thinks you are misinformed (with good reason might I add) and tries to inform you of something, you don't have to take it so personally. And it does not mean that they are gloating. I even tried to keep it subtle, until after you started with personal attacks. And at that point, you think I should not have said that I doubt you know the story?
I don't know what world you live in where you just expect people to just take that from you, and if they don't you act as if it was unwarranted.

And let's be clear on one thing. I was not the only one who thought you missed some details. Everyone talking to you about this seemed to be under that impression. @twintail thought the scene you accused of being poorly written may just be a red herring (it does not look to take place in the reactor that you described). @thismeintiel thought you were mistaken about when Sephiroth first appears in a flashback. And I was under that same impression, partially due to your initial claim of poor writing, which I'll get into in a bit, and also how you said you were refering to in-game encounters, even though you clearly said your issue was with a flashback. Which lead to me to think you may have been mistaken regarding the other event you described as well.

So you have yourself to blame for coming off as someone who forgets or doesn't notice details. What part of the Sephiroth scene in the new trailer looked like it took place in the reactor? Because it doesn't look anything like the reactor we've seen so far. So the fact that you didn't notice that means you probably didn't even consider that the scene may take place somewhere else. Even though you complained about it.

I still don't understand why you brought up in-person encounters with Sephiroth. How does when you encounter him in-person contribute to making a flashback scene shitty writing, if it occurs before leaving Midgar?

And FYI, when you say things like "Clearly you pride yourself by looking smart on forums", and then follow it up with "I'm 31 years old, and chances are that I played FF7 way before you", you look like you're projecting your own issues with pride.
In fact, the mod team discussed your behavior a while ago, and you do come off as someone who takes or makes things personal out of nowhere. You got yourself in trouble just a few days ago for doing exactly that, when calling another person 'dumb as hell' out of the blue. And conversations with people like that rarely pan out well.

Case in point, even after you said you were concerned about spoilers, you went out of your way to repeat what I said inside my spoiler tags, outside of any, and draw as much attention as possible to the fact that there may be an additional meaning to something I said, and how...

And look at this from my perspective. You initially described a flashback scene as taking place 'inside the reactor', when it looks nothing like a reactor, as "shitty writing" because of when Sephiroth is introduced.
When someone pointed out that Sephiroth is introduced way earlier than you described, you said you meant "in-person encounters" even though you specifically stated that your issue was with a flashback. And you didn't explain the correlation between the flashback and in-person encounters.
So when you then went on to describe another event, is it my fault for thinking that you may be mistaken again, or that your understanding of that event may be relevant to whatever your issue is with flashback vs in-person encounters?
I expected you to explain all of that by now, rather than what you're doing here instead.

So within your next post, I want all of these questions thoroughly explained.
Specifically, why exactly you brought up in-person encounters, and how that relates to what you said about it being shitty writing if there's a flashback scene before you leave Midgar rather than right after.
And do use spoiler tags when dealing with story related elements.

And I did tell you not to make the argument about the other person, rather than what they said.

Hiku, I love your patience. Bravo!