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As much as I really enjoyed the Wii, during it's lifetime, the definite nod would have to go to the N64. Wii Sports was such a great system seller, but did it have the lasting impact of, say, Mario 64? Games like Mario 64, Ocarina of Time revolutionized 3D platforming/adventure, and they're basically the pioneers of much about modern gaming. Aside from the games, the N64 popularized analog controls, rumble, and made four player split screen a fixture. Also, thanks to games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, first person shooters were no longer confined to PC's (yes, I know that games like Doom, Hexen, Wolfenstein, and the like got console ports, but Goldeneye revolutionized fps's on consoles). Oh, and it also had Rare at their absolute peak!

The Wii had some amazing games--and it'd be easy to present the argument that Wii had a larger quantity of great games than the N64--but many of the games had gameplay that was made possible by the N64. Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 were amazing, yes, but they still ran off of the Mario 64 style, adding a touch of waggle in the process. LoZ Twilight Princess always seemed like a lesser take on Ocarina. Something about the Wiimote makes the console feel somewhat dated to me. Then again, the Wii did introduce the Virtual Console, which was a huge thing!

Honestly, though, the N64, Wii, and Wii U are my three least favorite Nintendo consoles.