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Eh. It’s just not very clever anymore. It’s very disappointing.

I actually liked the first half or whatever, had a bit of the same feel as the second episode, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which I thought was good. Basically it all fell apart as soon as Daenerys was ambushed and they shot the dragon. Killing Raegal off like this was a complete waste, and again way too fast and easy. The whole thing is just unrealistic and not believable and had no point; Viserion’s death by the Night King last season actually helped the plot and was clever. This was just shock value, in a bad way. Balistas firing three kill shots perfectly from a kilometer away at a moving, living target, from aboard a moving platform, with a weapon known for not shooting straight. Then, they insta-reload, twice. Nevermind that Euron’s fleet should’ve been seen coming long before.

People already talked about how the strategy made little sense, that characters are teleporting around and that there are cut and pacing issues. Again I’d question the execution of the scene but at least killing Missandei could prove to be necessary for setting up the final confrontation. Kind of excuses Grey Worm surviving last episode. Then there’s loads of minor stuff all around.

It’s sad that this final season has dropped the ball like this with it’s story. Condencing the final two seasons into fewer episodes has not payed off at all, even though season 7 was still great overall. It’s even sadder that I know I actually could’ve come up with a better ending to this story than what we’re getting. Every fan theory, you know like Bran being the Night King and whatnot, was more clever than what we’re getting.

And a coffee cup left in a shot? Really? Two years of filming and editing and no one noticed this? It’s even front and center at one point. That just makes it feel like they didn’t care anymore, or were just joking around, which is disrespectful. Talking about the crew here, the actors are still trying their best.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 06 May 2019