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EricHiggin said:

Machiavellian said:

At BOLDED: If you are going to call someone either direct or on the sly ignorant of a subject then yes, the onus is on you to prove your point.  If you cannot then just shut up.  Either you have proof that you understand the topic or you do not.  So far with your answers, the only thing you did was waffle.  So again, if I am ignorant of the DK effect then either prove your words of shut up about it.  

As to the 2 pieces of proof you posted, are you saying a picture of a room is somehow a standard on how Trump hires someone personally for a cabinet position.  That somehow this gaudy room is the standard we should look at for his ability to hire qualified people to important staff position.  I am sorry, I just do not get it.  How does 2 pictures of a room mean anything about Trump ability to hire qualified people to high level staff position.  Should we be asking his personal decorator how they hire people instead of Trump.

You're the one who pointed out that not just Trump had it but it was basically made to define Trump. You never explained that. I also have said we all may be falling under the DK effect to some degree potentially.

Someone who likes a lot of different stuff plated or made of gold, who has had a multi billion dollar business for a long time now, which was doing well for the most part until his political career, is not the type of person who hires people with low standards. That doesn't necessarily mean every single person that get's hired meets his standards, but they are no doubt the best he can get at the time and for the money he's willing to pay.

I was part of a 60 year old multi million dollar company which eventually fell apart, and while there were a few reasons why, one of the main reasons was they slowly kept lowering the employee standards more and more to grow. Along with that, they forced the team leaders to stop being 'mean' and 'pushy' because it led to many of these new hires quitting quickly, which led to the new hires doing less and lower quality work because they could get away with it. It eventually led to the company having little work because the jobs were poorly done and the brand was tarnished. It was soon after on the verge of bankruptcy and was sold off in pieces. While the company would have suffered due to the other issues, it wouldn't have completely fallen apart if the staff was as high quality as it once was.

The type of people you hire, and how you direct them and treat them matters a lot, and that doesn't simply mean treating them like royalty because that can actually be a hindrance. 

Still with the waffling.  You called me out and stated on the sly I was ignorant.  Then when asked to prove your point all you do is make excuses.  We can drop it, as I doubt you any other follow up then the sly dig.

As to Trump having gold plated stuff, why would that have anything to do with his ability to hire good people.  You forget all the failed business, you forget the 6 bankruptcies, you forget that no bank in the US will fund any of his projects and you forget the only bank that has funded him is one already charged with money laundering.  You make it seem like Trump is this great successful man but ignore all the failed businesses under his wing.  You ignore all the lawsuits he has where he doesn't pay for services rendered.  Instead, you focus on the fact that he is a billionaire but forget he inherited his money and with all the failures, bailouts, tax evasions somehow we are to believe he is this great person beyond reproach.  

We have no clue exactly how much a Billionaire Trump is because he will not release his taxes.  We do not know if the fortune left by his father after inflation has dwindled under the administration under Trump.  That question will definitely be answered soon no matter how much has administration tries to stonewall.

So why is it out of all the business Trump tried to do outside of real estate he has come up short.  Could it be that in areas he has absolutely no clue how those business work he is incompetent.  Can we also throw the Presidency there as well.  Another area he has absolutely no experience in and so for looks like he is running it just like all the other failed business.

So No, Trump being a Billionaire who inherited his wealth and has ruined many a businesses, filed Bankruptcy 6 times, Charged with over 5K lawsuits many have to do with not paying his debts is not the model successful business man I would consider going to for advice on anything let alone run the Presidency.