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I did not look for any work related to commerce. I did not bother applying for jobs and I just took it easy and enrolled in other courses that I quit. There were too many people applying for graduate jobs and I could not be bothered writing long applications for no response. I could not be bothered has been a common theme that has dominated my entire life. I believe if I had family and friends that were in this field that I may have been able to get a job without doing anything. I believe in things in life being handed without working for it as shown in TV/Hollywood films. Know the right people to bypass the selection and interview process and get a job handed on a silver platter happens all the time where rich kids had mummy or daddy pull the strings and gets their kids jobs in company or firm.

What are the odds of getting a job? Is it a lot of time/effort to gain employment? Is this qualification a waste of time or worthwhile? Is the job easy or hard work?