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Give Vegan diet another go. Vegetables are low in sugar, high in minerals, nutrients. Eating more vegetables and less fruit is what I suggest. Fad diets focus on limiting carbs, high protein dairy and meat consumption are bad for health. I only listen to Vegan You tubers for dietary advice. Vegan Gains is an American Youtuber and a body builder and his diet is proof Vegan diet is good for body building. Durian rider focuses on cycling and his Fruitarian diet is proof that his diet is working for him and he fitter and better shape than you or me will ever achieve in our lives.
I believe in both Durianrider and VeganGains and I listen to their opinion as gospel truth that Vegan diets are good for health and fitness.
It is the cruelty, torture, mistreatment and murder of animals that are a huge part of meat and dairy industries that Vegans hate.