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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

SpokenTruth said:

So the Leave-side side never had a valid leave plan to begin with yet its the Stay-sides fault they haven't left yet?

Didn't the Leave-side leadership promise things they couldn't actually do to get the vote passed? 

What is "valid" is a matter of opinion but that doesn't mean no deal is not a real plan and yes it is indeed the stay-side at fault because majority of the MPs who campaigned for remaining are still shamelessly taking their parliamentary seats not properly representing their own constituencies instead of resigning or abstaining in disgrace ... 

Leavers can't do shit because there's ~400 fucking remainers in parliament willing to keep hostage of a democratic mandate that their supposed to implement like any real functioning democracy ...  

You tell me, what in the hell is a vote supposed to mean in democracy that DOESN'T implement the result ? It's become more of a disturbing authoritarian pattern among my generation to just straight up want to ignore the outcome whenever it suits them but if that's the direction we're going in then it'd be best for them and the others to declare in their own ultimatum that they're NOT democratic and in fact want to be dictators ...

Finding principled people are hard these days but I guess they're the dying breed when being an authoritarian technocratic elite like the communists at the other side of the world is becoming more popular among the young ...