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HoangNhatAnh said:
Kerotan said:
So I did a bit of digging back to 2014 and 2015. Here's a few posts from a few regular members

May 2014.
Tbone: minimum 4m - max 8m. This kind of prediction from his wasn't seen as unusual and was actually more generous then many posters gave it. The ps4 has now passed that 8m max and will go a good bit higher.

Eric Fabian thought it was delusional to think the ps4 would sell like the ps3. Not so delusional after all since ps4 is 600k above ps3 aligned and will easily beat it to 9m aligned.

Kupo thought the ps4 doomed to fail and the Wii U would stay ahead.

Nintendopie found it awkward the faith some had in the ps4.

The above are from 1 thread in May 2014. That summer stuck with me because the amount of posters who were not playstation fans that constantly doubted the potential of the ps4. All because of a slow start. It was 10 times worse on neogaf however then here.

I'm going to post this now while I look for more threads from that era.

Doesn't change your prediction:

In that very same thread I said it could pass the ps3 if a mainline Monster Hunter lands on the ps4 and I thought Sony would at least be trying to get it.

So pre MH announcement I went with 9 to 10m and if it got Monster Hunter it could beat the ps3. Spot on from myself. Didn't predict everything exactly but I thought it could get 9-10m without MH and beat ps3 with it. 

"And it's in Sony's best interests.  A console with DQ11 + spin offs, FF15, KH3, FF7R, GTA 6 and a monster hunter mainline entry (shared with handheld)  + spin offs is going to do very well in Japan.  Couple with series like yakuza,  resident evil,  gran turismo,  Persona 5 etc etc and it really would have a chance at passing the ps3. 

Sony aren't dumb and their relationship with capcom has improved greatly.  I struggle to see them not getting in on the monster hunter action.  Only way of it not happening is if Nintendo pay big bucks for exclusivity"