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My take has always been this: I find it highly dubious that MJ ever had sex with anyone, any grown ass woman (or man), let alone some little kid. I think he was a "FREAK", yes, absolutely. His dad fucked him up psychologically big time, and he felt SO strongly that he was robbed of having a childhood, that when he grew up, had his own money and was independent of his pops finally, he was determined, in his head, to make up for that. MJ was always a big kid. Psychologically, emotionally, etc., he acted like a kid.

Does that PRECLUDE him from molesting kids? No. Is it POSSIBLE that he did? Of course. But do I believe he did? No, I don't, and never have. This documentary is highly dubious. The two main figures in it testified in court, UNDER OATH, in favor of Jackson, against other alleged victims, claiming he was innocent. There is a quote from Robson after Jackson's death in 2009, praising the shit out of him and claiming he'll never forget him or the positive impact he had. Then come 2013, these two guys file a joint lawsuit against the Jackson Estate, for $1.5 billion. Because yeah, it's TOTALLY not about money. Now they do this smut documentary by HBO, which everyone and their fucking brother decides "YUP, it's proof! NO WAY these guys are faking." Right.

At the end of the day, people are going to believe what they want to believe, full stop.