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Biggerboat1 said:
SvennoJ said:

I hope not, I backed it on Kickstarter
ps4 version coming :)

It looks pretty incredible for 3 guys. Sometimes less is more though (just like SotC!) Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth. That's why Team Ico games turn out so well as ueda is very adamant that everyone sticks to his design. He didn't accept any compromises to TLG, hence it took so long and needed a better system to run the game. Ico was originally a ps1 game as well.

I'm in two minds about the TLG... Would you say you found the controls less or more frustrating than SOTC?

I just ordered Ratchet & Clank & Horizon Zero Dawn so it won't be for a while anyway but would be good to know...

The same, except there is a lot more to stumble over. The trick is to navigate the terrain efficiently. If you try to dash over everything you end up tripping a lot. To me TLG controlled very well. The character has real weight, once you get used to not being able to reverse instantly and start treating him like a real person navigating the terrain you won't have any problems. It's less finicky than Ico where you have to stand on the right pixel spot to grab onto a chain. Yet it requires more precision from you than stuff like TR and Uncharted where ledges act like magnets., or Infamous, AC and Spiderman where you can simply push the stick in one direction for auto parkour. In a game that's about navigating the terrain, it would be kinda pointless to automate that....