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Well, another one bites the dust. This time it's The Coma: Recut, a side-scrolling horror game.

The game starts out decent but the more I played the more frustrated I got. I don't know if it was just my Switch that refused to co-operate with me but the game was unresponsive beyond belief and I often had to press a button 2-3 times before the game recognised the input. But even if that was a problem on my end, there are other problems with The Coma that makes me unable to call it a good game. This is the kind of game where you have no means of attacking the enemies so you have to dodge, run and hide, and you have the "slasher" type of enemy that lurks around and suddenly appears to chase after you. What really infuriated me was that the game often spawned the enemy right on me when entering a new area, making it extremely hard to react, and combined with the lousy input response it made for a terrible experience. You also have sound effects and music that at times are way too loud and they annoyed me so much when I tried to listen to footsteps or other sounds from enemies.
The story seemed decent and the horror element was pretty good in the beginning but the many issues turned it all into a tedious mess.

The Coma: Recut - 1.5/5