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Cerebralbore101 said:
Chris Hu said:

Says a guy that hasn't played the game yet and your assumptions are wrong nobody so far has unlocked all the achievements for it so at this point nobody knows how long it take to truly 100% complete it.  

I thought it would take 30 days for enough people to do completionist runs. But I guess not. Enough people have beaten it.

49 people beat the game already. Crackdown 1 was a 43.5 hours long for completionists. Crackdown 3 is 13.5 hours long for completionists. The game was a massive step back from the original 2007 release, in terms of content. 

There is no way the game takes 13.5 hours to complete everything. I have played 9 hours with more than half the bosses still to beat, collected 359 out of 1000 orbs, and still a bunch of stuff to do. This game has more things to do than the first so I don't believe it.