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0D0 said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Just to get this right.... your dig at Science is that it challenges the results to ensure the beliefs of science can be proven rather than just believing tales about someone with wine for blood passed on by illiterate people 2000 years ago and never changing any views regardless of how obviously flawed those views are?

This cleared it up for me, Science is awesome.

The point of my post is, yes, science is awesome, I agree, even though it didn't know that bacteria did exist and even though it was wrong a lot of times.

There's a limit to what science can see. They can see today a lot of things that they couldn't in the past. They still can't see God though.

Science do can be wrong and needs to correct itself all the time.

The limit of science has a symbiosis with our own brain and how good we can consume and adapt an understanding of new information so that limit is actually a slow moving border and that is also why we constantly need to correct our past mistakes.

We cannot grasp how much time is needed to know everything and we most likely will never get there because we are so tiny in this great universe and beyond ,in science itself there exists a possibility of a godlike being but there are possibility's for almost everything.