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Socialism is a very bad thing, socialist policies are another story and less destructive. Bear in mind, countries that have balanced heavy socialist policies still don't want to be called socialist. Maybe because Europe has actually seen that's bad form of government. Meanwhile, people don't want to call Venezuela socialist because it failed.

They do not want to be called socialist countries because they aren't. They are social democracies, the GDR and other Eastern European countries during the Cold War are usually called socialist countries.

I watched many US political discussions in the last few months and normally this happens. Someone brings up social policies like universal healthcare and immediately someone from the right or a ultra libaral springs up and says something like "that's socialist, do you want this country to end like Venezuela?!" 

instead of looking at examples where those policies are implemented successfully (which btw are plenty). They try to shut down the discussion by demonising these social policies.