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KrspaceT said:
Do Brexit voters not understand what 'leaving the European Union' implies?

Also I swear the Brexit voters sound a bit like what I've heard about the way Quebec separatists handle such things. 'Divorce with bedroom rights' I've heard it called.

True story.  Quebec nationalists invented the term "sovereignty association" whereby they somehow magically believe they will have sovereignty over their own affairs, while still being associated with Canada (as Quebecers generally support Canada's international trade agreements, treaties Canada has signed, don't want to have to get a visa to enter Canada, want to keep the Canadian dollar, etc.).  It's fantasy of course, as Quebec nationalists envision a future where they get to pick and choose what they have control over, and what Canada gets stuck having to do for them.  That's not how these things work, as Brexiteers are starting to find out.