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Iron Man 3 - 3/10 - This was the first of the Marvel Studios movies I didn't enjoy. Iron man 2 was a step down from the original and this felt like a further step down. Iron man's major issues has been lack of compelling foil as an adversary. It's always a mirror of Stark and I thought we'd go somewhere new with the Mandarin, his arch nemesis, only to find it played as a joke. After years of seeing comics embraced, this felt like a step backward to being embarrassed by the source material again.

Black Panther - N/A - unable to see, sold out everywhere, maybe someday.

Thor: the Dark World - 8/10 - In minority, but I really enjoyed the world and creature design. Liked the Dark Elves and the whole concept of their ambition to return the universe to what is was for them long ago. I also found the triangle of Thor/Loki/Malekith and how it went further into the brother's relationship. Got a lot of fun silver age vibes with right touch of drama to make me care. I agree the romance aspects could have been left out, but fun in Asgard overrode issues I had about Midgard.