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when loading up the site from home using the newest firefox on win10 I find now that going back into a thread where I've already posted seems to load the page in a very strange way, basically bringing me to my post then loading the rest of the site above that making for a very jerky and unprofessional looking layout, also in article comments I still encounter bugs where the CSS sheet isn't correctly getting applied to the page fully leaving some area's of it with no formatting or layout whatsoever, I've made a thread about that with screenshots.

I wouldn't say the site is a glitchy mess... just that there are updates being done, but really the site is in dire need of them so I would just say when a bad update comes just report it and be happy there is updates going on here for the first time in months/years!

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at