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Chazore said:
There are no laws that state you have to hand over yout entire library and all you serve for, over to the compeition in the video games industry.

EA has to work fucking hard
Ubisoft has to work fucking hard.
Bethesda has to work fucking hard.
Blizzard has to work fucking hard.

GoG is the only one out there that works semi hard. The rest care only about what they own or publish, that's simply how it is, EA doesn't give a fuck about you, neither does ubisoft, Activision, Blizzard or anyone else. Not even Valve.

There has never been a company on this earth, that has given a shit about your daily life, that holds little meaning to the 7+ billion people inhabiting this planet.

Valve has done some good and bad towards the industry. The very good parts were supporting modding and allowing for fan made content. The bad was letting asset flippers onto the store.

GoG and Steam have done free games before, EA and Ubisoft had to follow this routine for face being judged, but I'll judge them anyway because they forced themselves to do it, not because they give a shit. Look at Ubisoft when they called PC gamers pirates and to this day, they still love stacking on piles of DRM. look at EA and their killing of known PC franchises and tossing MT's into their games, fucking disgusting tripe.

Bethesda doesn't even know what the fuck it wants to do with it's own client and storefront. Blizzard only cares about it's own gig, nothing more.

You want competition, I'll say it one more time. The competition has to GIVE A FUCK, and actually WORK HARD to obtain what consumers want.

Stop with the commy "ugh, the top dog should hand out all they've earned fair and square to competition, it's only fair". We live in a capitalist society. EA and co have billions of their own, you tell them how to spend it.

You're completely absolving Valve from their own duties as market leader. Competition is nice but it's not even possible if there is such an overwhelming monopoly. Ask Linux and Apple to step up their game, they tried and Windows still has their monopoly. And that's not because people are so fucking in love with Microsoft's great work. People use it because they're forced to. Same with other storefronts. Pure capitalism is bullshit, that's why actual developed countries have government oversight so that single giant entities cannot abuse their power. Capitalism cannot work itself out if it's already broken. We would be in a way worse spot if it wasn't for regulation. Well, the US will be there soon if they expand on their pro corporate bullshit even further. Capitalism breaks itself when one entity becomes too powerful. We've seen that time and time again and we see that today with the biggest corporations also being the worst.

You're basically telling microbes to step up their game against a supernova. It's hard to "GIVE A FUCK" and "WORK HARD" when the odds are absolutely stacked against you. What do you expect them to do? Have instantly all of the games, perfect software and all of the features? That wouldn't even be enough because people are already on steam. For people to switch platforms other stores would have to become twice as big, twice as good and give out free blowjobs every morning. Steam right now is terrible but functional. There is no way for people to switch right now because they've built their collections and friends on there.

And how are the other stores going to compete if nobody uses them? Your logic is flawed and doesn't respect Steams power at all. Your precious capitalism already figured it out. Steam won and there is nothing anyone can do about it with a reasonable amount of effort and money. The end goal of capitalism isn't equal competition, it's one big entity swallowing up everything else to be the most efficient. And congratulations, we reached that point with Steam.

And now let's get back to Steam. You haven't yet explained why we shouldn't hold Valve accountable for what they're doing. Why it has to be upon "the competition" to solve everyone's problems. Why Valve cannot do better. It's no secret that Valve is putting the most minimal effort into their store as possible. They're crushing their "competition" without any effort. Don't you think we're at a point where Steam is just too big to fail? Developers and Publishers will certainly not let that happen because their livelihood depends on it.

There is no entity to take away any power from Steam, we're way past that point. So don't you think it's reasonable instead of demanding more things from stores that are a lot worse off, demanding from Steam instead to better itself?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.