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Nintendo THEMSELVES have never made an expressly BAD game, true. But they've churned out games that are hardly gems, and they've absolutely produced games that are hot garbage. Just off the top of my head, both include:

Hardly Gems: Wii Music, DK Barrel Blast, Nintendo Land, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, any of the Mario/Sonic Olympics games (none of them PLAY all that great), Game & Wario (not bad, but very MEH by most first-hand accounts I've heard), Excite Boys (too gimmicky, not as fun, should have just made Excite Racing, with bikes and other realistic vehicles), Pikmin 3 (solid game, but removed the key elements of the series that MAKE the games fun to play, very disappointing).

Hot Garbage: Star Fox Assault, Star Fox Zero, Metroid: Other M (bad control scheme, physics, and story), and Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (very little to the game, just a shallow app to sell Amiibo).

There are other examples, from their portable library and beyond. The entire Virtual Boy system itself was ill-conceived, from top to bottom, and is easily Nintendo's single biggest failure as a company. Yes, it was an "experiment", but it was a waste of money, and diverted resources away from other consoles. Their own games on Virtual Boy, like Wario Land, Mario Clash, etc., would have been far better served as late-era SNES titles, in full 16-bit color, instead of black and red, head-ache inducing games on a system few people actually bought.

The point is, Nintendo isn't infallible. Not everything they touch is gold. And Miyamoto especially, within the last 15 years, has gotten progressively worse. I love the man, he is a genius who deserves all the credit in the world, but while there WAS a time in gaming history when it seemed like all of his ideas were good ones, from the Gamecube onward, with the exception of Pikmin (the first two were amazing), it seems like more and more of his "creative" ideas have come at the detriment of games, not the benefit. The first great example, is "Star Fox" Adventures. A solid game, but it SHOULD have remained Dinosaur Planet, it's own thing, instead of him deciding they should slap a SF coat of paint on it. It got worse with something like DKC Returns, with him admittedly never really being impressed by the original DKC, and his pointless "Suggestions" that they should use motion controls to ground-pound, and roll, and the silly inclusion of the "blowing" mechanic. None of that added to the game experience, in fact it made it more cumbersome to play. This was proven by the 3DS port, which removed the motion control nonsense, making the game easier to play. Then of course there was his insistence on Star Fox Zero having it's mind-numbing control scheme, which became the ONLY option, which essentially ruined the game for most people, which is why it sold like shit.

Yes, Nintendo have been involved in less than stellar games. They may have a better overall record than almost any other publisher, but they're hardly perfect, and have been LESS perfect in recent years than usual.