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Yes, the concept of "Libertarian Socialism" is laughable, because the ideologies simply do not mesh.

The core principle of Libertarianism, in essence, is "Everybody look out for themselves".

The core principle of (actual) Socialism, in essence, is "Everybody look out for everybody else".

Those two things are not really compatible at all.

The concept of a so-called "Welfare State" is not truly a Socialist symptom. In successful Socialist models (there are good modern examples but no shining ones yet), it is basically "Captilism Lite", where people are still encouraged to go out and make their own businesses, etc. But the government also looks out for people, and there is a "Social Safety Net" there, not for people who WON'T work, but for people who CAN'T, or otherwise fall on hard times. The idea that you look out for the community, and the community looks out for you.

I believe that the most important philosophy behind Socialism is that "The Good of the People, Comes Before the Good of the State/Government". Or conversely, "The State Should Serve the People", not the other way around. On the surface, it would seem that in that, Libertarianism and and Socialism are in basic agreement. However, I think that their fundamental values and ideas of how to make all of that WORK, are too divergent to really mesh well, together.