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These people are freezing to death to come to Canada ... they should be allowed in IMO, and then have a background check done on them. One guy literally lost like 4 of his fingers from frost bite ... in a civilized country that is fucking insane. These are "Christian values"? Really? You hypocrites, letting people freeze to death at your doorstep.

I'm for sensible immigration policy, but give me a fucking break, Canada is a monstrous land mass with a tiny population (35 million).

Canada has it easy, it's like 20 people wanting to come in and xenophobes still go crazy over it, jeezus, like it's a mental illness almost, your life is not going to be any freaking different if Canada accepts a couple hundred freezing people on their border. This is Trump's fault for forcing these people to run into the cold like dogs trying to get into to Canada with his ridicilous pandering to American xenophobes. Europe has a refugee crisis, Canada and the US don't.