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This has happened many times before here, also in Tensta and Husby. Riots in this part of the city are quite common and burning cars are more or less a daily occurrence. There's a fairly shady area close to where I work as well, when I first started in late 2013, there would be 1-2 burned out cars on the parking lot outside the mall after every weekend.


Edit; no one was killed but two were injured, one was a journalist who was jumped by about 12-15 men. Lots of journalists have been attacked in this part of the city. It becomes a self fulfilling statement when people say that people here are violent, and the local citizens are outraged and the trash talking and resort to violence... They have also been know to call the police on fake missions so they can ambush them with rocks and even a hand grenade last year, destroying ambulances is also quite common in this area and ambulances are adviced to request a police escort.