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bdbdbd said:
WolfpackN64 said:

The greens are a wild card, most of them are socially left, but some eco-modernist can be quite right-wing. But I think Jill stein is left. The only "alt" movement I hear of is the alt-right and I don't think I need to explain their position, regressive is a term that's frankly useless in a political debate, the "multiculturals" can be both socialist (as in trying to unite all people for collective betterment, irrespective of culture) and liberals (defend certain moral or decency standards concerning culture, unless these people attack them on economic terms, then they're the devil) and anarchists are left, always on the left.

I mean generally in Europe.

Multiculturalism is actually anarchism by itself, but I think your view on anachism is a little narrow. As a Marxist you're an internationalist, that's pretty much the other side of the the same coin that I am on (nationalist), but we both view equality as some sort of a goal. Anarchism, how it views itself in today's society is having different rules for different people, that would be the opposite to nationalism and internationalism.

Regressive is a good term because of the policies for example of fighting discrimination with more discrimination, and segregation with more segregation, etc.

The alt-left is there - maybe not in it's own group, but inside different groups.

The same (more or less) collective group is called by different names in different countries, hence the long list of names. 

I find regressive to be used quite willy-nilly and very poorly defined, that's why Idon't like the term.

Marxists can be nationalists, in a liberatory sense, like Fidel Castro ;)