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SpokenTruth said:
thranx said:
Where are the ice caps? Shouldn't our coastal areas already be flooded. The world was doomed by global warming in the 90's and shouldn't be able to survive now. We must change before the caps are gone, before the sea levels rise and our coastal cities are gone. The end is near! I think the solution is to hurt our economy as much as possible so that way the Chinese and India can do the polluting for us! That will fix it all. Best of all the scientist agree with me so lets throw rational thought out the window and get to killing our economy a little faster.

You might want to do some research on China and their actions on climate change.  They know that nearly 700 million people live on their coast. Guess who leads the world in renewable technology investments?  They will also soon have the largest decarbonizing plan in the wrold.  You thnk it's just the west that is concerend with global climate change?


Want a few numbers on sea level rising?  In the past 100 years, the oceans have risen about 4-8 inches.  But in just the past 25 years, the rate of rise has doubled.  If this doesn't concern you, may you be fortunate enough to remain blissfully unaware of the impact it will have upon you and your family.

The only impact my family and i will feel is the econmic hardship we will be put under by uneeded regulation. China isnt worried about climate change, they are worried about actual pollution that is probably killing their citiezens. Bad water, bad air. How fast have deficit spending been rising? a lot faster than sea levels have been rising. I am not saying that the climate doesn't change, and that the world doesnt go through cycles. I am saying we arent the cause, we aren't the solution, and we simply do not know enough. If we did we would actually be able to predict something to happen. We have been wrong so far so I place little "faith" in it since there is no tangeible proof