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There is a massive amount of people who believe what they want to believe. They watch their chosen pundit or go to their favorite biased websites and swallow what they're told hook, line, and sinker.

Awhile back, someone on this forum posted something they got off Facebook and presented it as the truth. It was totally unsourced and they made zero effort to even CHECK to see if any of it was true. They simply trusted it because it fit right into their pre-existing agenda.

Millions of other people are the same way. One of the reasons I haven't signed into Facebook in over a year, actually.

Where I used to work, we'd get a lot of older men who had nothing to do so they'd they come and talk. A lot of the conversations would go something like--

Old Man: "They say Obama is going after the Christians next."
Me: "Oh? Who said that?"
Old Man: "They did."
Me: "Who is 'they'"?
Old Man: "Huh?"
Me: "Where did you get that information from?"
Old Man: "Uh, I don't know. People. They were talking about it at church so it must be true."

I had fun with conversations like that many, many, many times. The infamous "they" are always right.

Also, before someone says, "lol u r a hillray supportor lol," I fully expect the same thing to happen with Trump, though not in my community.