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I'll copy a little what Rol did and give my thoughts. 

Some mods I'll leave out because they do not post enough, which says alot actually.. I'm mostly going to focus on the best and those that need to go. 

Top tier mods: 

Carl, Raven
I know Carl deals extensively well with "the voice of the voiceless." If people have complaints and send to PM, he responds well to them. He also is unbias in platform and knows when to send a warning and to actually moderate. Raven as well has a really good track record for platforms. He's not afraid to moderate and has shown good consistency as a moderator. 

Need to go &or Shown Slight improvement

Starocean, CGI, Ultra
I'll keep it concise. Star ocean has shown a lot of really negative and insulting comment towards some members. Most of which should not be said by a mod and would be moderated by any other user. CGI, shows heavy bias towards PS. Numerous times I've seen warnings to threads for PS members (constant warnings for those individuals), while that same leniency hasn't been shown for others. And sometimes he refuses to moderate and continues to throw out warnings in threads. I understand the want to warn, instead of going straight to a ban, but there comes a time while you need to moderate. Despite all of this, I feel he has shown improvement. Ultra, all I see are spambot bans, and rarely moderates people. Recently saw a post where a member called someone I beleive a "two faced faggot?" Ultra posted afterwards and I noticed he did not ban him, this is only one example, but there have been many other times where I just do not see him moderating at all. 

Slight improvement: CGI
Needs to go: StarOcean, Ultra 

**No hard feelings, just being honest.">"><img src="