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alledged rape victems of her husband as well as women he has had sex with (while he was married to Hillary) that go public about it? 

Going back to his 1st campaign for President: Hillary went on the news show 60 Minutes and said she was "no stand by your man kind of gal"  when asked about her husbands affairs-  This made many people mad so she made a big deal about making home made cookies, dressed like a matronly mom/wife supporting her husband   etc  for a while to try to win back the Tammy Wynette fans, among others she upset-

Hillary has a long record of trying to discredit/attack Bill s "Rodeo Queens" , even the women that have accused him of rape-  There is a public record of this and even the Washingto Post article (linked to the article i am linking below) does not try to deny it as much as "recast" her actions in a better light  (The Washington Post article is "Enabler or Family Defender"). 

Conidering the support  of super sensitive feminists, sjw s etc is heavily pro Hillary, how do they reconcile her actions like "slut shaming", attacking, intimting,  discrediting of these women/potential victims? -   The type of behavior that Hillary is known for towards these women,  is the  epitome of the type of beavior  that  is considered wrong by not only feminists but most people in general.