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Why GPU manufacturer didn't think of it? Because they want you to buy their high ends cards.

I still don't know why we are trying to basically jump from 1080p to 4k, there is a really big gap, the biggest gap in resolution in history of gaming.

Manufacturers are like "you want 4k", and people respond "hell yeah!", ""well you can't afford it so you'll have to stick to 1080p"

Someone had to have the balls to say, we can't do it right now, but we can give you something in between that will already be a big improvement from 1080p.

Meanwhile Microsoft is promising real 4K in a year, but it's not doable, well it's doable but it will be really expensive, we're talking at least 500$ probably even 600$. yes it's going to be a beast, but really pricey one. And console are meant to be affordable. That's what we learned from the overpriced first Xbox, PS3 and Xbox One.

In the end, the pro will be a better deal for the next two years, and then the PS5 will be near. Basically the scorpio is going to be a dreamcast.