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I can't help but think (or maybe I'm just hoping) that this was a bit of a negotiation ploy. Sony allows mods, but seem to have restrictions that Bethesda found distasteful (perhaps rightly, but I can't comment on that because I have no idea) and instead of acquiesing has taken this fight to the public to perhaps pressure Sony into allowing them to work on the mods the way they want, hence the notice at the end of their message leaving the door open that things can change. I personally wouldn't mind, as I want mods on both Fallout and Skyrim, though I'm certainly not holding out any hope for them at this point, unfortunately. 

It does annoy me that Bethesda and Sony can't seem to get along very well. It sounds like Sony is too restrictive with some of their regulations on the mods, but that hasn't prevented other companies from releasing their mods on the system. I don't really care who is to blame, to be honest, whether the scale tips one way or the other, I just want whichever one of the two (or both) is being stubborn to find a better compromise.