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How are white people supposed to feel about their race? I don't know about anyone else. But I don't feel anything. I am me and that is as far as it goes.

Should I be ashamed/embarrassed of my race's past? Good lord no. It is just something we really should be learning from (yet so many seemingly prefer to be inspired by it)

Is my wealth and prosperity built on the back of other races being exploited? Probably not. I'd say it's more likely from the industrialisation that was pioneered (and hugely fought against) on my back yard that led to that. Though there's been one hell of a rebalancing since the Luddites era.

Do I give a flying f**k how over entitled people who feel their ancestors faced injustice in the past and so everyone should bow down to them and give special treatment? Nope.

People are just really selective with history and trying to treat people differently due to their ancestral origins is divisive and continues to perpetuate a divided and racist society which is something I would personally love for us all to be able to get past.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.