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That time is more than enough to advertise. The Xbox One and PS4 may have been announced sooner, but their advertising started in about the same span of time. (The time after E3 to the launch date)

There was a study done on advertising and it seems there is a balance to be found for advertising for too long of a time before and customers will develop a loathing for the advertisements and hence start ignoring them and too short of a time and the message may not be able to get through. I do believe the Wii U didn't start advertising until September before its launch that is when the push for the holiday rush starts.

The adverting for the NX probably will not start until after the first of next year. They avoid being lost in the Holiday push and then they can advertising during American Football's playoffs/Superbowl, though costly they have done that before. (Pokemon 20th)

The Wii U had a problem with its message of what it was. It featured the pad but I guess didn't drive home that this is an entirely new device. (And currently you usually have to spell everything out for a lot of people.) If they are able to communicate that this is a new way to play, and is a new device. They will do better, though the Wii U had other problems leading up to the release that eventually doomed it fail, it isn't just as simple as 'it was a bad piece of machinery', things are a lot more complicated than that. To put a spin on what was said in Tommy Boy, you can any crap in a box a sell it.