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I enjoy story driven games.  I enjoy the ones that have limited gameplay as well.  I consider them games as much as any other game. 

i also enjoy other types of games as well that have no stories or weak stories.

I do not see why we can't have many types of games because it is a large market and can support variety.  People can like games for different reasons and a game that focus heavy on story, cutscenes, QTE's or whatever else is no less a game than another.  It's simply a different type of gameplay experience.  


If I play You don't know jack with my family and friends is it not a game because my interaction with it is limited?  Is it not a game because I have limited control over it?  On one of the games you simply click lie or truth I believe (not all that different than a QTE in a cinematic cutscenes) yet the game will bring in at least 6 people all laughing, clicking, talking, joking, getting frustrated, feeling accomplished and so on in my home.  We did not have complete control over the game.  The game led us down the linear path it chose.  We had limited interaction with it, even less interaction than some intricate cutscenes.  I know people will say it's not story driven cinematic cutscenes but it's not much different in my eyes.  It leads us down a path we do not control by supplying questions of its choosing which we have limited interaction with.  

Ill take another more recent example of cinematic gaming with limited control.  Until Dawn:  A movie and not a game as I've been told many times.  I don't disagree it is limited in its interactions and control but it is a game just as any other.  It's just different.  This non-game movie wannabe created more entertainment in my home as a shared experience than many AAA games that have been released.   Everyone on a couch passing the control, jumping at it's silly B-horror movie scares, laughing at the reactions the camera recorded and asking who needed new undies was an excellent gaming experience.  

I pay $60 to be entertained and I dont care what form the gameplay comes in as long as I'm entertained by it.  Having a wide variety of game types won't hurt the industry.  Quite the opposite, it will expand it.


edit: by the way, I completely understand if someone doesn't like heavy story games because we are all different.  I just don't think they need to be wiped from gaming because we need variety for gamings sakes.  I don't think there is anything wrong with options in game types.  

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  
