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Hello everyone and welcome to another Uran10 Elimination game, approved by the Ultrashroomz and StarOcean. This is a Tellius Series Fire Emblem Elimination game featuring playable characters and main villains.



1)      You may Only vote once every 3 hours

2)      You can buy items during your post and use them as well

3)      If a healing item is used no other ability can be used in the same turn

4)      You can combine status’s and Weapon attacks



Much Like fire emblem there are bonuses for weapons and magic.

If an advantageous item is used the Bonus damage is 1.5x the original amount, if it is disadvantageous then only 1.2x the original amount is done. The weapon triangles for this elim game are as follows:


Swords Beat axes, Axes beat Lances, Lances Beat Swords… This is true for all ranges

Bows Beat Axes/Lances/Swords at Long range, Axes/Lances/Swords beats Bows at Close range.


There are 3 types of Magic in Fire emblem, Light, Dark and Amina.

Light Beats Dark, Dark Beats Amina, Amina Beats Light


There are also 3 types of Amina magic which also have a triangle

Wind beats thunder, Thunder beats Fire, and Fire beats Wind.


We also have Laguz to take into account.

Beast laguz are weak to fire, Bird laguz are weak to wind, Dragon laguz are weak to lightning. The Laguz have no Triangles to their weapon attack always does 1.5x the regular damage regardless of who the opponent is.


The Same Applies to Chaos and Order Incarnate.




Poison: The unit is hurt by 10% of their current health for every vote involving them for 5 votes, this means that on the 6th vote this user receives either for or against the poison will dissipate.


Sleep: The Unit is forced to sleep and wakes up after 5 votes have been cast involving the unit.


Silence: The Unit is unable to activate magic, this means magic users will be unable to perform their weapon attacks / counter attacks.


Berserk: A Unit inflicted with berserk status will do 1.5x the amount of damage to whoever is attacked however, the unit will randomly attack opponents when voted for and cannot choose who will be attacked. Special Moves cannot be used while in this mode.


Stun: A Unit is unable to act until 1 vote is cast involving them



Attack: Physical attack strength that caps at +2

Magic: Magical attack strength that caps at +2

Defence: Physical defence that caps at +2

Resistance: Magical defence that caps at +2

For each +1 the amount of damage taken/given is adjusted.




There are 3 Tiers in Fire emblem Radiant Dawn, tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3. In this Elimination game, all three tiers are present and the higher the tier the more powerful the unit when it comes to voting, the unit may also gain new items to use as well

Tier 1: +4 -6

Tier 2: +6 -8

Tier 3: +8 -10 Special abilities can be used only in this tier.


A tier one unit can move up to tier 2 after reaching to level 10 and having a Master seal used on them or after levelling up to lv21. A tier 2 unit can move up to their 3 after reaching to Level 10 and having a Master crown used on them or after levelling up to lv21.


The Laguz tier system is slightly different as it grows to lv10 it automatically becomes tier2, and at lv 20 becomes tier 3. However, their Special abilities remain locked until lv25.


If you post during the first 50 votes, You gain a Free EXP Pot and 200 gold

Individual Points:

5 votes - 25g

10 votes - 50g

15 votes -75g

20 votes - 100g

25 votes - 125g

30 votes - 150g

35 votes - 175g

40 votes - 200g

45 votes - 225g

50 votes - 250g

55 votes - 275g


Group Rewards:

50 votes - 50g

100 votes - 100g

150 votes -150g

200 votes - 200g

250 votes - 250g

300 votes - 300g

350 votes - 350g

400 votes - 400g

450 votes - 450g

500 votes - 500g

550 votes - 550g


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