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Would have backed you up more except too many of those games haven't been released yet to have their projected sales tracked. But for the ones on your list that have been released, they have done quite well.

Also, to reply to a few others...
While no one really can say how well NMH would have done if made for the X360 or PS3 compared to the Wii, according to VGChartz in the puzzle genre, guess which game is the best seller for 3rd party on the three new generation systems? And number 2 overall after Wii's BBA:Wii Degree? That's right. PS3 has none. And Z&W sells 33% better than the leading X360 puzzle game. Though, looks like X360 will try to make a comeback with Frogger. I'm sure that in HD, it will look spectacular.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.